How do we learn, well, anything? We watch how others do it. It’s how I learned to throw a baseball, smoke a cigar, drive a car, open a can (poorly–don’t ask), and so many other things.

Computers are no exception, either. The best way to learn which software you should use, which computer to use, how to set it up, and what the heck to do with it all, is to see exactly how they do it. In the tech world, people often will review products that might be great, but that they don’t use themselves; the best of the best, tend to be used by the best of the best.

A few smart people, around the Web, have been compiling and sharing what those people are doing—from their favorite software, to the contents of their bag, to what their desk looks like.

Their examples are inspiring and awesome, full of cool tips, great software, and some fantastic ways to make you more productive and more acceptable in the geek crowd all at once. Here’s a few places to check them out:

How the Best and Brightest Use Their Computers 3

The Setup

How do we learn, well, anything? We watch how others do it. It’s how I learned to throw a baseball, smoke a cigar, drive a car, open a can (poorly–don’t ask), and so many other things.

Computers are no exception, either. The best way to learn which software you should use, which computer to use, how to set it up, and what the heck to do with it all, is to see exactly how they do it. In the tech world, people often will review products that might be great, but that they don’t use themselves; the best of the best, tend to be used by the best of the best.

A few smart people, around the Web, have been compiling and sharing what those people are doing—from their favorite software, to the contents of their bag, to what their desk looks like.

Their examples are inspiring and awesome, full of cool tips, great software, and some fantastic ways to make you more productive and more acceptable in the geek crowd all at once. Here’s a few places to check them out:

First & 20

This is the most complete of all the options, so it goes first. Basically, The Setup is a compilation of interviews with some of the coolest people in technology, from the father of Linux to the guy behind Daring Fireball (best blog on the planet, by the way).

From their computer rigs, to their favorite software, to their wish list, it’s a huge repository of amazing people, and the technology that helps them do amazing things. There’s a staggering amount of information, so be ready for quite the rabbit hole of discovery once you get going.

How the Best and Brightest Use Their Computers 4

It seems like everyone in the world has an iPhone these days, and there are more than enough apps out there to keep all those people busy. So how do you find the best?

Find out at First & 20, where there’s a compilation of cool people’s iPhone home screens (the coveted 16 spots where you keep the most important things), and the reasoning for why things made the cut.

You’ll find some great apps, feel cool when other people use your favorites, and get all kinds of great tips about how to pimp your iPhone.

The neat thing about the iPhone is that, since so many people from so many different walks of life use the device, everyone’s got a different take on what it is and how to make the most of it. More than the other options, which skew a little geeky at points, this one’s for everyone.

Sweet Mac Setups

Shawn Blanc has an amazing group of various people’s Mac setups that he’s collected, full of pictures, tips, and ideas for how to make your Mac workspace rock.

The pictures alone are enough to make you drool with envy, and there’s a great discussion below each one to tell you a bit about why their setup works for them, what they do with it, and some of their favorite software. If you’re in the market for a Mac and accessories, or just want to re-style your office, these are some fantastic examples.

Laptop Unbaggings

My bag is the one thing I have with me, basically anywhere I go. Over time, I’ve whittled down what I carry to the point where it’s light on weight, heavy on functionality, and I’m never without something I need—except sometimes. But that’s not the point.

Paying attention to what I bring with me was inspired by the same being done by some really cool people – Gina, Adam, Kevin, Jason and the How-To Geek at Lifehacker, David Pogue, Tim Ferris, and many, many more (oh, and lil’ ol’ mine). Everyone’s got a different way of doing things, but there’s no shortage of great advice on what to bring with you to get more done, get in less trouble, and just be the cool guy who always has a thumb drive.

There’s no better way to get an idea of what to do, what to use, and how to use it than to see how the smartest, coolest, and most attractive people out there do it. Check it out!

Now, I won’t ask for all of your setups—too much work for you (though if you’re interested in writing yours up, let me know!). But, in the comments, drop your one must-have: gadget, software, anything. Empty room, empty computer, what’s there first?

And, since I fit all three of the above categories like a brilliant hand inside a very attractive glove, my next post will be my little foray into the world of “what the heck do you use all day?”

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