How to Monitor Text Messages, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Kik, WhatsApp, Viber, and Snapchat?
Prevent your kids from cyberbullies and online predators.

Some too many children communicate via the Internet these days. And though most social networks do not permit those under 13 to view their content, there is no real possibility to restrict access for kids.

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How To Monitor Social Networks- Follow And Protect Kids 8

Social networks number hundreds of millions of users. There has never been such an opportunity for children to reach so many people in a short period despite distance and borders. At the same time, there has never been a better opportunity for online predators and cyberbullies to track children, attack them, and stay anonymous.

Follow And Protect Kids On Social Networks

It is up to you to let your kids use social networks. Anyway, you should know some online safety guidelines for parents to be prepared: how to monitor social networks

Sing up to social networks

Having no account on social media, where your children spend most of their time online, you lose a chance to share a big part of their world and a common sphere of interest. On the other hand, you are missing the ability to check the content your kids’ post, read, and share. Moreover, if, in the first case, you lose a matter to talk about, give advice, and help, the second one means that you let your children be exposed to danger without even knowing what happens.

Adjust your kids’ privacy settings

If you are more tech-savvy than your kids, help them adjust online privacy settings appropriately. Do not leave privacy settings in default mode since, in this case, your children will be able to share too much information with the public. Set private mode and ensure only approved friends can see what your kids post, like, and share.

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How To Monitor Social Networks- Follow And Protect Kids 9

Set your own rules

You should specify that access to social media and the Internet is a privilege for your children, not a matter of course. Thus, you should set your own rules by following which your kids will get this privilege. If you want to monitor what they do online, let them know that you will follow their posts, comments, and new friends added.

Befriend Your Children on Social Media

By setting private mode to prevent your kids from communicating with strangers and misgiving people, you will be able to see their content only in case you are official friends on a particular network. If not, all posts, likes, shares, and new contacts will be hidden from you. That’s why befriending your kids is a prerequisite for using social media.

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How To Monitor Social Networks- Follow And Protect Kids 10

Talk to your children

Being a parent, you should always keep the conversation between you and your kids open. They should realize your concerns, trust you, and know they can rely on you for any reason. Explain to your children why online reality may be dangerous and why your interference may be needed sometimes. Your kids should understand that you do not try to restrict their freedom but protect them and secure their happiness.

Actively monitor your children

Eventually, you will have to let your children live their own lives and make mistakes. The earlier you do this, the more experienced your kids will be. However, it does not mean you should stop caring for your children and back them up. The good parental control software will help in this case. It will let you monitor online activity and cell phone use without direct physical access. Thus, you will grant your children freedom of communication and, simultaneously, be capable of preventing them from the danger they may face.

Keep your eyes open since kids’ protection is your top priority.

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How To Monitor Social Networks- Follow And Protect Kids 11

Setting Up Parental Controls on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Protect your family with parental controls for iOS. Monitor calls, messages, online activities, and much more.

Why Install iPhone Parental Controls App?

Due to the Pew Research Center, about 90% of teens go online on a daily basis. They are exposed to a lot of improper information presented by various websites and services. Children, particularly younger kids, can be bothered by the things they see online, and the duty of every parent is to reduce the chances of coming across something inappropriate.

Parental controls can filter the web, blocking access to the wrong sites. There are many ways to do this, from configuring parental controls on your router to using built-in restrictions or monitoring software. Installing parental control apps is the best option to restrict the web from children preventing them from wandering into improper corners of the Internet.

Young people face many risks online, such as sexting, cyberbullying, social networking with strangers, online predators, and many more. Content filtering and online access limiting are the tops things to ensure to stay safe.

Monitor online experience and block strangers with the help of parental control apps for iPhone. Spend a few minutes installing an app to shield your little darling from all possible dangers. iPhone parental tracking software will be your eyes and ears with constant monitoring of smartphone usage. If you are a careful parent and always want to know where your child is, keep reading. We’ll discuss in detail all you should know about iPhone parental tracking software.

Advantages of Parental Control for iPhone

Young people face a lot of risks every day and can easily provide strangers with personal details without realizing the real danger. Inappropriate communications, sharing personal data, online predators, and child identity theft are those online dangers parents should concern about most. 48% of adults have already installed monitoring controls to check their kids’ activities.

More and more parents decide to set up tracking software, and not for a reason. It is a great way to be confident that the child is secure. Here are the convincing benefits of monitoring apps for easy control:

Check MarkThey are easy to install – set up parental control in a matter of minutes and watch over your child’s activities all the time.

Check MarkThey have a lot of functions – you can follow the calls, watch messages, keep track of installed applications, view emails, notes, calendar, browsing history, and much more.

Check MarkThey are convenient – you need to install an app only once, and then you can use it until you want.

Install Parental Control on Smartphone or Tablet

Control device usage

Track online activities

Watch routes and position

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